Teaser Episode

A podcast historian takes the ship elevator to attend an old earth media forum.

3 years ago

Someone Dies In This Elevator Series Trailer

A Historian enters the Elevator of the HMR Spaceship Marigold, but be warned. Someone Dies In This Elevator of the Series Trailer.

Rating: PG

This trailer contains implied death in an elevator.

Someone Dies In This Elevator is a spoiler-driven anthology podcast. Please visit our Website for transcripts and mono-mixes for this trailer.

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Fred Greenhalgh (he/him) as The Elevator Operator.
Gabriel Urbina (he/him) as The Historian.

Written by Brad Colbroock (they/them/he).
Directed by Tal Minear (they/them).
Script Editing by Jesse Schuschu (he/him).
Dialogue Editing, Sound Design, and Mastering by Brad Colbroock (they/them/he).
Music by Trace Callahan (they/she).
Executive Produced by Colin J Kelly (he/him) and Tal Minear (they/them).
Artwork by Tal Minear (they/them).
Marketing by Ali Fuller (they/them).

Someone Dies In This Elevator is their Collective Work under Sound Escape Productions, a profit-sharing podcast collective.

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